Organism Thinking is a consultancy that builds intelligent brands
We connect brands to the intelligence of the more-than-human world, catalyzing creativity for meaningful design and communication
Here to meet the moment
We are inspired by the wisdom of ecosystems, embracing both the natural world and the possibilities of emergent (artificial) intelligence.
We craft strategies, designs, and stories that both resonate today and invite a future where brands and their communities grow in harmony with life itself.
How we work
Our process begins with sensemaking through research, ecological insights, AI-driven analysis, and immersive workshops to reveal your brand’s authentic strategy and positioning.
We will work together and with the intelligence of the more-than-human world to uncover blocks and blindspots in order to bring about deeper solutions from a place of aligned values. We combine biology and technology to design a new reality for your brand.
We bring strategy to life across visuals, words, and interactivity, creating a cohesive identity for digital and real-world presence.
By attuning to the wisdom of the more-human-world, your brand will come to life in a new way.
We then craft narratives and artifacts—from websites to campaigns to communities—that are enchanting, adaptive, and ever-evolving. Through experiential workshops, including field trips and hands-on AI exploration, we expand your brand’s possibilities.
A mythopoetic lens and cosmovison allow us to create news stories and ways of being for your brand and communities.
What we deliver
Strategy & Design Innovation
A broader set of inputs helps understand your brand’s unique intelligence. We include natural and ecological inputs combined with research, interviews and discussion to crystalize your brand’s truth, forming a rooted foundation for your brand.
Brand Audit
Outdoor Workshop
Ecosystem Map
Brand Positioning
Business Strategy
Product Design + Innovation
Employee Engagement Strategy
Brand Building
Through words, visuals, artifacts and motion, we bring your brand to life or adapt and evolve it through a range of identity concepts. We envision how your brand will show up in the real and digital world and define a new brand system with inspiring and easy-to-follow guidelines.
Visual Identity
AI Approach
Brand Voice
Brand Guidelines
Once the brand has found its creative expression, we apply the identity to brand assets and share your story with the world. We help identify AI tools that can learn your brand and help you express more effectively.
Brand Campaign
Cultural Narrative
Thought Leadership
Social Media
Sales Collateral
Events & Workshops
Workshops 〰️
Beyond Human-Centered Design
Innovate by observing intelligence in nature. Find inspiration in the more-than-human world in order to create product and brand strategies that are more adaptive, sustainable, and inclusive.
Ecosystem Thinking for Brands
Experience your brand within a broader ecosystem. Using your brand’s ecosystem map, tour the places, people and systems that make up your brand’s ecosystem. Visit facilities, partners, customers and landscapes. Return with clearer vision, deeper networking, and more authentic stories.
Symbiotic Storytelling
Learn how to tell enduring, relational stories that highlight interdependence of people and the planet. Gain insight into a greater cosmovision and clearly express the role your brands contributes to a thriving ecosystem.
Brand Values in the Age of AI
Develop a clear set of values for these times, as the stakes are higher than ever before for brands to live their values. Dive deep into the role of values, where the come from, and why they matter.
Bio-Inspired Design Lab
Make your brand look and feel more alive through nature. Explore non-linear design patterns, organic shapes, and symbiotic visuals that reflect your brand’s ecosystemic relationships.
Expanding Ways of Knowing
Move beyond conventional, linear approaches to brand development by exploring diverse ways of knowing. Engage with embodied, intuitive, collective, and ecological forms of knowledge to deepen understanding of your brand’s place in the ecosystem.

Join us
Each new moon, we host the Organism Thinking Cohort Circle, a virtual community of practitioners surfacing and exploring emergent ways of approaching brand, design and communications. Our aim is to nurture a deeper connection between our work and to the questions that define our era – to bridge the inner spirit with the outer impact necessary for true transformation.
Together we will invoke a sacred space, use prompts and pass the (virtual) talking stick to hold space for the arising of questions and possibilities within the collective.
The Circle take space on the new moon of every month for 90 minutes at 5pm Pacific Time.
The suggested contribution for participation $20 and everyone is welcome, no one turned away.
Please email to let us know if you would like to join.
We are looking for leaders and organizations who are themselves ready to be agents of transformation and leading the way into the new paradigm of what brand leadership looks like. Please be in touch to discuss possibilities with us. We’re excited to connect with organizations of all sizes and all kinds who are inspired and excited to explore possibilities where purpose and profit are in alignment.
We are convening an advisory board of leaders at the intersection of regenerative design, wise innovation, and mythopoetic storytelling. If you'd like to be an advisor for this project, please email us.